
A New Review


I've decided to use English fully in my daily life. Hope that I will persist on it.(草 笑死我了 —— 来自220401的我)

First thing is to give myself an English name. Ahh, what about using Roger? A great name, isn't it?

And, I want to make a brief review on myself.

I've just found that I waste time a lot. Watching meaningless videos, exploring useless funtions with complicated operations, searching for things inappropriate for me in the near future.

They are really harmful to me. Because I lose my precious time, the time to learn things more concentratedly, the time I observe mysely, the time I could take to think calmly.

I want to be better. What does it mean? To be depentable or surefooted? Or maybe, be a person I like. I believe that following tsings below and I could be better.

Some priciples are:

Think twice or Think before you leap. Only when you ask your heart, why I want to do that thing? What's the meaning behind that thing? What's my intention? Only when you know it clearly will you have full passion for approaching things and also tasks.

Observe yourself in the air. If you don't seperate yourself, you won't get a objective view. You just think what you do are right. But exactly you do things instinctly. That may be irational, bad for you.

Calm yourself down, acquire things carefully. Be steady. Learn more things as you could at the same time you treat these knowledge seriously.

Deliberate practice and Exert yourself. Train yourself. Without pains, no gains. persist on things that are important for you. Potential is incredible. Just do it.

Balance and Compromise. It's so important that I even forgot about it! You can't finish all things perfectly. Use a middle strategy.

Dilute and Dissipate. Don't think things so sorrowful. They are not big deals.

Be patient. Slow down. Time is not that urgent. Doing meaningful things means do it carefully, which takes time.

Smile. It could bring you a great mood.

Be simple. Simple is beauty.

Be curious. This world always displays its charisma so don't lose your interest to explore the universe.